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Regulatory Update

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Scope /
During this year's regulatory update session, representatives of the EU's Food Safety Authority and the US's National Fisheries Institute (NFI) will reflect on the latest regulatory challenges that importers from and suppliers to their respective markets are confronted with. The EU representative will give insights into recent third-country audit results, and the US NFI representative will provide insights into upcoming US regulations. Guus Pastoors will moderate the panel, and there will be ample opportunity to ask your questions to the panelists.
Guus Pastoor
Guus Pastoor
Guus Pastoor is chairman of the board of AIPCE, the European Federation of Fish Processors and Importers. AIPCE is a membership organisation that connects the fish processing companies, fish importers and wholesalers around Europe. The EU processing sector generates an estimated output value of 29...
Program /
Panel discussion: Regulatory issues in the EU and the USA


Claus Norup, Head of Frozen Seafood, I.Shroeder KG

Robert DeHaan, Executive Vice President & General Counsel, National Fisheries Institute — the USA

Sylvie Coulon, PhD, International Bilateral Relations Policy Officer, Directorate-General for Health and Consumer Protection of the European Commission (DG SANCO) — the EU

Closing remarks